2020-DEC-28 - Bullpup Log: Entry 8

2020-DEC-28 - Bullpup Log: Entry 8

It's been a full year since I started keeping blogs about this project. In that time a lot has changed with the project so here's a quick recap of the changes that have happened in 2020:

  • Base platform switched from M17 to TIPX
  • Magwell redesigned to enable a more modular platform.
  • Grip Frame/Trigger Guard redesigned to be modular.
  • Front end redesigned for modularity.
  • Open Source collaboration announced via Devgru Facebook Group.

Initially when I announced the switch away from the M17 to the TIPX I figured it would be a walk in the park. However getting the marker to a reliably operational state has proven more of a challenge than I could have anticipated. Fractions of a millimeter separate me from a fully functional variant that is field ready and I cannot wait to show it off. As of today the 3D printer is down for maintenance (new nozzles are needed) so it looks like we may have a video showcasing a functional marker with modularity options here within the next two weeks. For now here are some previously released pictures showing off a few of the test fits.

Base Rifle Variant w/ T15 magwell and wide grip.



Rifle Variant w/ M17 magwell, wide grip, mini-G36 style top rail.


SMG Variant w/ M17 magwell.


If you're looking for a way to help this project along, swing over to the Shop and pick up a patch/shirt/beanie to help support my efforts and be sure to help spread the word. At the end of the day this thing will come to fruition either via our stated goal of having injection molded kits created, 3D printed ABS prints or another larger company finally taking notice of the attention that inspired designs have in the paintball community. Either way 2021 promises to be a very interesting year for Magfed Solutions.

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