Out of Concept. Into an Alpha.
Silently I've been working on moving this project out of being just a 3D-printed one off and into a production run marker. In order to see this come to fruition I figure I need to hit on a few key metrics.
- Mass Appeal - Making a marker that would appeal to as many players as possible is vital in order to ensure that the platform ever gets created in production form. The more people are interested in this marker, the more people there are that will eventually purchase the marker.
- Affordability - Prior to the M17 hitting the scene Magfed was quite cost prohibitive on a large scale. Our desire is to provide a quality platform that can grow with users, without being cost prohibitive.
- Customizable - Everyone's favorite part of magfed has to be the part where your marker carries its own identity.
To accomplish these goals, parts of this project will be conducted as open source. So we'll be building a community portal and page for open collaboration and feedback. It's exciting to say that this thing is getting closer and closer to production and it'll be fun to see what other forms this takes.
Can’t wait to see this thing in production. Once it is i would buy one. I think it would be awesome thing that not to many people would have right out the gate. I would also be happy to give ya the proper feed back on it
It was kickstart, my bad.
Do what Bunker kings did with the CMD masks, and crowdsource the first run.